Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anatomy is over!!!1!111!!!

I survived my first class in medical school! I made it out fine, slightly worse for the wear but in good spirits. Next week we have our Principles of Clinical Medicine exam which consists of a two hour written test and a GOSCE (Group something something clinical exam). Basically me and my gosce group of 4 other people will be utilizing our patient history and all the different clinical exam skills we've learned on fake patients aka paid actors. Good times! I can't wait until Thanksgiving because I have 4 different exams in the next two weeks.

We've started our next course, Cell, Structure, Function which is notoriously tough. The course coordinator basically told us it was going to rock our worlds. So I have that to look forward to. It's a combination of cell biology, histology, biochemistry, genetics, that sort of thing.

Life's been good. We had an intramural basketball game on Tuesday which went into overtime. I had a wide open shot in regulation with 25 seconds left that would have won it...but it rattled in and out. Then I missed a few more times in OT, also open. They were my shots to MAKE. So it was a bit painful. I feel like I let my teammates down and I hate letting people down in general.

I'd like to exercise more but I need to figure out how. Tennis, biking, running basketball...Also, I can't wait for ski season to start!!!

Oh yeah, for lunch today I had Brie cheese with an artisan baugette. I was so happy.

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